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Meal Favorites
Updated over a week ago

Meal Favorites

Within Wellos Meals™, you can create a collection of your favorite meals to easily search and filter those you add to it. Favorites allow you to tag recipes you like to quickly find and search later!

To add a meal to your favorites

When you find a meal you like, click the heart at the top right corner of the image to add it as a favorite.

Photo of a recipe card with a red heart highlighted in the upper right corner

To remove a meal from your favorites

Click the heart to unfavorite the meal, then select remove.

Alert modal "Remove from favorites?" with "Remove" and "Cancel" option buttons

Accessing Favorites

Once you’re ready to view your customized list, go to the Search menu, click in the search bar, and then open the Filters.

Meal search screen with Search and Filter features highlighted

Toggle the Favorites on and select Apply Filters.

Menu of filter options with "Favorites" toggled on

Once your Favorites toggle is on, your list of favorites will appear within the Search. You can then search within your favorites by keyword, or add more filters to further refine the results.

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